Wednesday, December 13, 2006


I am your prisoner.......I shall be me for eternity.....I shall love you forever and you shall always be my guard.....

Remembering friends....

*_Me recordò a mis amigos..simplemente lo tenìa que compartir......_*

Monday, December 04, 2006

Everything we never said....

Maybe if you wheren't such a gentleman... you might have told me you loved me.

Maybe if i wheren't so stupid... I might have belived you.


Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Thank you...

I dreamt of were far....too far to reach...
I looked away and when I looked back again you were so close..
you offered me a offered me a smile....
I offered you a kiss..I offered you my blush...

Monday, November 27, 2006

Your closer..

It's raining....and your near...

Now I'm closer to you....but I don't know what to do....should I go on and kiss you?.....or should I wait......

your so close.....and I want to kiss you with all my soul.....

All is full of love

I wish I could kiss you, but I only get to kiss the mirror......all is full of love....all is full of my love to you...all is full of the wish to kiss you...all is full of your love.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Un día más & uno menos...

Un día más un día menos de es para tanto....todo pasará como un igual que todos los días....el silencio solo cambiará gracias a la hermosa melodia del violín rojo....esa melodía que me hace soñar....esa melodía que me hace recordarte....

Friday, November 17, 2006


Im expecting you.......hope you come to me soon......come so I can kiss you well

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Fragile things...

Once you are alone you start looking at things in a better & diferent see all those fragile things with more beauty & see those things as never before in your life....this is when you notice that you now love....

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Forever & for eternity

We both shall be friends forever & for eternity.........never forget I love you...never forget that even we are far far away, you shall always be my little sister....

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Waiting for you...

-How much I wish you were with me know...telling me what you really feel about me....& holding me tight until we both sleep-

Friday, November 03, 2006


Como me encantaria besarte.....darme el gusto de probar tus carnosos que realmente me ames.....pero al despertar me doy cuenta que solo es un sueño & me encuentro muy lejos de cumplirlo....

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Within these walls of blood and bone
the core of me is lifeless stone
forgetting faith, forever weak
never trust, never speak

under my mask, horror abides
once revealed, it will not hide
my true being, deranged and sick
which side of me would you pick?

my shell is breath taking, not a single flaw
my voice is enchanting, my beckoning call
my body is tight, your perfect dream
but who I truly am, would make you scream

beneath this layer of simple skin
lies a demon bedded within
cold and dark, it never sleeps
evil, mad, meager, weak

within this beautiful perfect girl
lies the death of your perfect world
I'm something never to touch
but you can't deny, you want it too much

kiss my lips, hold me close
this is what you want the most
watch me smile, a gleam in eye
hold your breath, slowly die

sink my teeth, dig in deep
lavish the blood, blood you seep
drink you dry, killing myself
the way you taste, the way you smelt

drinking you now, kills me inside
drinking you now, brings me alive
close your eyes, take a final breath
for you've received, my kiss of death

Monday, October 30, 2006

Happy Halloween!

Feliz Noche de Brujas!!....

Este uno de mis dias favoritos.....(claro aparte de aquellos dias que neva...o cuando hace frio sabroso....o cuando llueve de manera abundante & no tan turbulenta....llueve de manera que te dan ganas de correr & besar a alguien que amas)...espero que se la pasen bien....& aprovechen las peliculas de terror que rara vez salen en television..jeje...cuidense... Diviertanse!!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Ah!! que estresante...semana de examenes & vaya que me he puesto a de aclarar que casi no me gusta hacerlo por razones un tanto obvias..pero necesito calificaciones altas..jajaja.....bueno ..disculpa por no escribir...solo en este instante de extremo estress me he liberado un poco para contarles lo sucedido.....jejeje

Me siento aún más demente......solo espero que esto de resultado..jejeje..buena luna...

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Getting there..

"There's a long way to your heart.....I hope I'm getting closer....."

Monday, October 16, 2006

Algo entre archivos..

"Buscando un sentido a tal intimidación, huyendo de tus terrores
Sin sentirme, sin acariciarme, sin amarme.
Calma que es apetecida por mi cuerpo y sentir."

Monday, October 09, 2006

Strage things inside...

I don't know why I feel this thing inside......I feel as if you were my other me.....I just want you near...I want to hug you & maybe, just maybe kiss your tender lips........Still not knowing what this is I ask......... is this love??

Thursday, October 05, 2006


No sé si cortarme las venas o dejármelas largas.Aún asi ya tengo la muñeca desgastada de las veces anteriores....pueden esperar más mientras decido lo que se hará esta noche con ellas...


Último momento: Gemelo suicida mata hermano por error.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Love of the dead

A graceful swift of motion
Unseen by the eyes of mortals
Pale as the moonlight
He sat unmoving at his usual spot

The love of my life
Eyes a brilliant blue so deep
Where desire was masked so well
But I could feel his ache

Frozen at the expense of my presence
The love of my life
I know his hunger for deeper pleasure
And only I could satisfy

The dead who rules the night
The love of my life
Gazing deeply at me pleading
How can I resist his pull?

A simple trick to my mind
And he could drive me to the edge
Where I'd beg for more
But he's the love of my life

Four hundred years of politeness
Only for his lady, he shows respect
But his patience is limited
And he's the love of my life

I know all too well
The tunnel behind those blues
There's a longing hidden so well
Now, the time has come for the unsaid

"My lady, the time has now arrived.
Shall we proceed to what I'm here for?"
His eyes so lifeless staring coldly
And he's the love of my life

"Blood to blood, flesh to flesh.
For love, we shall bind for eternity."
Kneeling quietly at his side
Lips to lips and he drank

Tonight is the only night
Where we will take our vows
Guard it to our graves
And forever, we shall be bound

"Blood to blood, flesh to flesh."

Thursday, September 28, 2006

The oak tree

Sitting in the forest...only thinking of something...thinking of things ...

thinking of the world..

thinkig it good

To my friends...

Dedicado a todos aquellos que se hacen llamar mis amigos & realmente lo merecen.... besos a todos....en especial a Altic, Darkbass (incluyo a la bolita...ya saben quienes son)...a los de la escuela (igual saben quienes son & no reclamen!!)...& a los que se encuentran lejos.....Recuerden que estan siempre en mi corazón....son lo mejor!!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The love...

"My lady, the time has now arrived.
Shall we proceed to what I'm here for?"
His eyes so lifeless staring coldly
And he's the love of my life

Thursday, September 21, 2006

A question never asked..

So far away...... thinking & passing a dumb question through theyre minds... does she/he really love me??....or am I dreaming??

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Thursday, September 14, 2006


Cosas extrañas pasan por mi cabeza.... al contemplar al cielo me doy cuenta de que hay un ser un tanto fastidioso & conquistante en mi cabeza..... planeo eliminarlo & devorarlo como a las manzanas....

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Come close....I need you..... hold my hand & may you please hug me?.... I feel so not myself

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Angel de los cielos oscuros.... desiende lentamente & observa a aquel que desde las alturas la ha atrapado........... observa desde la esquina.... observa a esa criatura extraña que ha decidido proteger...

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

I'll stay with you..... I shall be with you forever...never forget those words my beloved..

Monday, September 04, 2006


Odio como ries,
odio como caminas,
odio tu estúpida mirada,
odio tu olor,
odio tu forma de hablar,
odio cuando comes,
odio cuando cantas,
odio tu forma de dormir,
odio tus dientes,
odio tu cara,
pero lo que más odio .....
es que no puedo odiarte
ni siquiera un poco....

....& por eso he decidido una cosa... matarte o matarme..
tu decides......

.....más simple... he llegado a la conclusión de matarte..... perdóname mi amada...
asi que comienza a correr ya que al terminar de contar
hasta 60 te buscaré & mataré...

Si fayo tienes oportunidad de hacerme lo mismo... suerte..


Friday, September 01, 2006

Discarded Love

Bleak midwinter
And snow lies all around
My heart is cold and empty
And I long to walk on the hot sand
With the sun burning my body
And my love close at hand
Will you ever return?
Or will I always live in bleak midwinter
Send me word of where you are
Have you found a new love?
Have you moved on to someone new?
I am still in a frozen state
Stuck rigid where you left me
Unable to move on
One kiss would thaw my bones
One moment of bliss would unfreeze my toes
I would follow you to the ends of the earth
But my feet are frozen to the ground
And all around there is no sound
In this frozen wilderness
I will live forever
Suspended in time
A monument to discarded love

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Erklären Sie mir.....

Tell me I'm beautiful......Tell me I'm sweet...... Tell me you love me........ Tell me all with a kiss

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Palabras de un virus.....

Para mi sos mi utopia o como quien dice un paraiso inexsistente del cual deseo ser parte...formar un cielo en tus labios..crear una ilusion que no me deje despertar, junto a ti estar y mil caricias querer dar...todo resumido en un silencio total, que aunque las diferencias esten de por medio no me estorben, solo descansar como en mi paraiso......en mi utopia

A una princesa...

Meine prinzessin, dass sie nie diesen traum mit ihnen vergessen....


Monday, August 21, 2006

Moonspell - Luna

bueno..realmente me encantó esta canción..... solo la comparto....danke...

Monday, July 31, 2006

A Ella...

.. le gusta mojar sus pies & sus manos al caer la lluvia, mas no le gusta mojarse por completo sin una sudadera...le gusta llorar cuando no hay luz.... le gusta ver peliculas que ya casi desaparecen para la memoria humana, pero no le gusta que le acompañen...le gusta tener curiosidad.... le gusta humectar sus labios con las gotas de agua que han quedado en la yema de sus dedos.. le gusta observar a los demás mientras camina por la calle.... detesta que a alguien le atraiga otra persona & este no lo de a conocer a dicha persona, pero ella odia tener que hablarle ( le causa alguen tipo de terror)....detesta que la utilizen a convenencia....admira a los escritores...admira los misterios,, realmente le causan curiosidad.... le encanta tener el cabello rebelde & en el rostro....le encanta imaginar que trae puesto un vestido, aunque casi no puede ponerse....le encanta creer que alguien piensa en ella aunque eso no sea cierto.... le encanta caminar por horas durante la noche, pero detesta que la gente la vea como si fuera un insecto...le fascina tener su bolso siempre al lado .....& le encantaria que alguien se le acercara & lentamente darle un beso en la mejilla sin razón alguna.........................

Monday, July 10, 2006

Gothic Story


Creature Of Light

I am the breath on your skin
I am the velvet around your body
I am the kiss on your neck
I am the shine on your eyelashes

I am the fullness of your hair
I am the corner of your eyes
I am the print of your fingers
I am the blood in your veins

And day in - day out I flow through your heart
No matter how fast you run
And how far you get
You carry me with you!

Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I am a part of you!
Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I am a part of you!

I am the unlived dream
I am the longing that is chasing you
I am the pain between your legs
I am the scream in your head
I am the silence - the fear of your soul
I am the lie - the loss of your dignity
I am the faint - the anger of your heart
I am the void - that you one day will become
No matter how fast you run
And how far you get
You carry me with you!

Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I am a part of you!
Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I am a part of you!

Creature of light, in your shadows I am turning

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Meant for others

Joy, it's just meant for others,
there's no joy in life, only sadness,
world full of depression and pain...
Love, it's just meant for others,
there's no love in life, only sorrow,
world full of darkness and tears...
Hope, it's just meant for others,
there's no hope in life, only pain,
world full of sorrow and despair...
Smile, it's just meant for others,
there's no smile for me, only anger,
world full of sadness and hatred...
World, it's just meant for others,
there's no world for me, only isolation,
place full of fear and frustration...
Reason, it's just meant for others,
there's no reason for me, only oblivion,
death that brings redemption and relief...
Life, it's just meant for others,
there's no life for me, only death,
just to die, fade away, like I would never been...

Love me

Love me,
my razor blade.
Peel my skin,
make me scream.
Sink so deep,
make me weep.
Cut my flesh,
make me bleed.
Take my life,
set me free.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

suicide club edit o termine de ver...espero que sea bueno....... muy interesante & extraño..

Monday, June 12, 2006

The Devil Loves You

Do you understand what I'm trying to say? Have you ever felt? Ever felt this way? Tainted with rage you can't drain away or it will cost you your life. I couldn't care more. Do you ever absorb what shouldn't be touched? Have you ever cared? Ever cared this much? Do you think it is I who is out of touch, or are you too scared to think at all? I couldn't care more. As your friends fall does it tear your heart? Do tears fill your eyes as your world falls apart?Do you notice at all,or are you sailing sublime? Am I completely alone?

"Death Of Season"

Of late, it's harder just to go outside
To leave this deadspace with hatred, so alive
Writhing with sickness, thrown into banality, I decay
Killed by the weakness, but forced to return, turn it off
I watch the stars as they fall from the sky
I held a fallen star and it wept for me, dying
I feel the fallen stars encircle me now, as they cry
Out there so quickly grows malignant tribes
Posthuman extinction excels unrecognized
Feeling surrounded, so bored with mortality, I decay
All of this hatred is fucking real, turn it on... yeah
I watch the stars as they fall from the sky
I held a fallen star and it wept for me, dying
I feel the fallen stars encircle me now, as they cry
It won't be all right despite what they say
Just watch the stars tonight as they, as they disappear, disintegrate
And I disintegrate 'cause this hate is fucking real
And I hope to shade the world as stars go out and I disintegrate

Saturday, June 10, 2006

I'm so stupid....

Lo que diré a continuación es un sentimiento que prefiero desahogar aqui & escrito...ya que sé que casi nadie entra a este blog de conocidos.....

I'm happy, I feel I have friends
I see a good friend
but it looks like
I´m a stranger...

I feel stupid....
that friend doesn´t even
notice I cry
doesnt notice his friend

I thought I had a friend..
but I guess I don't.
I thought he noticed..
but now I don't..

I wish to die
but I think a while...
Is that the only way
that he will notice?

he or she...
it doesn't matter....
I supposed I had a friend...
& the person I never talked to came .

That person looked worried..
that person did notice...
then ONE "friend " noticed..
but that was all...

I'm so stupid..
I thought they were my friends...
I should have listened..
but I just ignored..

now I have it..
something hit me...
now I know
I have no friends at all.....

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

por que??!!...por que existen los examenes? es suficiente con que hagamos el esfuerzo de escucharlos & anotar como esclavos todo lo que dicen & anotan en el pintarrón??...luego distraernos un poco con garabatos tontos??.....

Mañana Examen!! & peor FISICA!!!..... esa materia complicada & tonta...... parcial en lugar de semestral....Sí claro!!!.....lo que no saben o no se quieren dar cuenta es de que trata de todo lo que vimos en el semestre!!...en conclusion es como un semestral pequeño!!!

Mi cabeza estallará!!...... que complicado.......Bueno al parecer no cambiaran.... solo espero que mi cabeza no olvide lo estudiado......

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

El amor

¿Y el amor?Puede llevarte al cielo, pero también puede sumergirte en la más densa oscuridad;puede provocar el más dulce sueño y la más horrible pesadilla;puede calentarte con un beso y congelarte con un "Adiós!"Es lo más hermoso y lo más horrible.Amor...¿quién te conoce?Eres el desierto más arido y la selva más viva.Amor... amor.¿Por qué duele tanto amar?¿Por qué me importa tanto lo que ella hace?¿Por qué me afecta tanto lo que ella dice?Estoy enamorado pero más parece que estuvuiera enfermo.Lagrimas, materialización del amor!Sueños, ¿por qué huyen?Tranquilidad, ¿por qué no te apoderas de mí?Felicidad, ¿Por qué no vienes?Amor, eres espiritu y no carne y huesos, eres invisible a los ojos; hay gente que no entiende eso...Lágrimas, mudo lenguaje de amor.Una lágrima vale más que mil palabras.Lágrimas, materializacion del amor.Amor eres todo y nada...Amor...¿quién te conoce?

Don´t leave me...

Please don´t leave me......I if I were dying..please hug me.....but please, I beg you don´t leave me...

Thursday, May 25, 2006


I feel something for you....
but there's something in me....
I don't know what to do..
there's something that says NO to you...

I have my friends..
I have you..
but there's something..
something that is so confusing...

So I give you this note...
with my heart all bloody..
& has a message for you
& says...


Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Love Song For A Vampire

Come into these arms again
And lay your body down
The rhythm of this trembling heart
Is beating like a drum
It beats for you
It bleeds for you
It knows not how sounds
For it is the drum of drums
It is the song of songs

Once I had the rarest rose
That ever came to bloom
Cruel world chilled the bud
And stole my flower too soon
Oh ominence, oh hopelessness
To search the ends of time
For there is in all the world
No greater love than mine

Still falls the rain
Still falls the rain
Be mine forever

Let me be the only one
To keep you from the cold
Now the floor of Heaven's weighed
With stars of brightest gold
They shine for you
They shine for you
They burn for all to see
Come into these arms again
And set this spirit free

*_Annie Lennox_From: Bram Stoker's Dracula - the Motion Picture soundtrack*