Monday, February 26, 2007

A little bit more..

"Let's stay more matter what they say...can we stay more time together?? you want to stay more time with me??.."

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Fabricating Hope

I've tripped through the
wicked obsidian-bladed dark
cutting and vicious
to you

The first carress was nothing new
all seem the same at first
same smooth automatic touch
when nothing can be known

We stumble in this interminable night
perchance encounter joy
or the lacerating hate
all by chance

We are our joy, so take my hand
find with me a soft spot
to stop our stumbling
for life

They say another sun shall rise
and all shall be bright
singing of our joined love
bathed by all-disclosing light
"soon" they say "the sun shall rise"
"soon" they've said an shall say

The sun may sleep forever;
enough that the sun sleeps
has slept, will sleep;
so should we sleep as well?

Sweet lady, should we wait
eternity to understand it all?
Some light is in our reach

We can dimly see
Moon-bathe with me;
live a thousand lives with me
this long night.

Moon-bathe with me;
bask in that reflection of
the unborn sun.

Moon-bathe with me,
help me light this dark;
and until the sun should rise
and set all wrongs right
they shall call us
the bringers of light

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Monday, February 19, 2007

Every day is Valentine's

"Enloquecido estoy por amarte una vez más,dale algo a mi existir.
Son tus caricias, es tu palpitar,que llenan mi vivir.
Besar tu cuerpo de la cabeza a los pies,te ponés fuera de voz.
Días sin tiempo, noches de pasión,alimentan nuestro amor.
Mi refugio son tus brazos,dame abrigo por favor,saca el frío de mi cuerpo y mi dolor.
Apasionado estoy, ya no me dejes caer,no puedo vivir sin vos.Quiero tu vida, dame una ilusión,que sea eterno nuestro amor.Miro tus ojos, veo tanta excitación,ya no puedo aguantar.Esta locura que tengo por vos,que sea eterno nuestro amor.Te amaré de todas formas,te amaré y sentirás,nuestras vidas siempre unidas estarán...."

Thursday, February 15, 2007


...How wonderful life is....Now you're in the world...

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Día de Amor & Amistad / Valentine's Day

Amor....Amor....... Disfruten el día, que este día es solo una excusa para decir Te Amo....

Monday, February 12, 2007

Love Song

whenever I'm alone with you you make me feel
like I am home again whenever I'm alone with
you you make me feel like I am whole again

whenever I'm alone with you you make me feel
like I am young again whenever I'm alone with
you you make me feel like I am fun again

however far away I will always love you however
long I stay I will always love you whatever
words I say I will always love you I will always
love you

whenever I'm alone with you you make me feel
like I am free again whenever I'm alone with
you you make me feel like I am clean again

however far away I will always love you however
long I stay I will always love you what
everwords I say I will always love you I will always
love you...

-The Cure-
To that special someone that's in my heart..

Thursday, February 08, 2007


Sincerely a gorgeous drawing.....seems quiet familiar

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Un año de inspiracion..

Se ha cumplido un año más en este espacio donde comunico sentimientos & pasiones....Espero que siga siendo visitada & que siga vivo este espacio.....
Deseo agradecer a todo aquel que se a detenido a leer un poco de este lugar........& a todas las nuevas amistades que he igual que a los que aún tengo & están junto a mi..
Que siga hasta el fin de mis tiempos..
My Dearest...