Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Love Letter

To whom it may concern:

What does it mean to love someone?
I have ideas.
Love is what happens when you start sweating
For no reason and your heart keeps
Skipping beats. You start stumbling over your
Words and your cheeks turn into roses. When love
Is created, it is immeasurable and will never dry up.

Love will always see the beauty in
Things, the beauty in you, the both of you. Love is
Always there to pick you up when you fall and wipe away
Your tears. Love can make you laugh
For no reason, and hold you just for the sake
Of holding you. When love is found, it is never lost.

This is what I believe love is.
It has been brought to my attention that you
Are waiting for me, and have beenFor some time.
I would just like to
Apologize and let you know that I am on my way. Love
Is something no one should be without, and your Love is on the way.


1 comment:

J. F. Santoyo said...

Lindo, lindo, lindo... Aunque debo decir que el amor es más que manos sudadas y corazones palpitantes, es un esfuerzo constante por encotnra ren la cotidianeidad algo nuevo, en lo monótono algo asombroso y, por sobre todas las cosas, descubrir en el otro lo algo nuevo siempre. mucha suerte y saludos!!!!!!