Saturday, June 10, 2006

I'm so stupid....

Lo que diré a continuación es un sentimiento que prefiero desahogar aqui & escrito...ya que sé que casi nadie entra a este blog de conocidos.....

I'm happy, I feel I have friends
I see a good friend
but it looks like
I´m a stranger...

I feel stupid....
that friend doesn´t even
notice I cry
doesnt notice his friend

I thought I had a friend..
but I guess I don't.
I thought he noticed..
but now I don't..

I wish to die
but I think a while...
Is that the only way
that he will notice?

he or she...
it doesn't matter....
I supposed I had a friend...
& the person I never talked to came .

That person looked worried..
that person did notice...
then ONE "friend " noticed..
but that was all...

I'm so stupid..
I thought they were my friends...
I should have listened..
but I just ignored..

now I have it..
something hit me...
now I know
I have no friends at all.....