Sometimes I think to myself..
"I think it would be much better if I were married...."
then, I stare at my fingers, I look at my rings, I look all around..
and I get up and go get some chocolate or anything that has chocolate in or on it.
I start eating it, I look at my dessert...then I say:
"But I don't even have a boyfriend!" and start laughing all the way back to the table where I was sitting before.
I look again my dessert and then look at the laptop monitor right in front of me.
Then out of nowhere I see a post of Portal engagement rings...I obviously think they are awesome!
I sit there again, look at my fingers and still eating the chocolate delicatessen.
I see my face in a reflection, smile and say:
"meh! I still have many to do, no time for boyfriend and friends at the same time anyway. And who would want to keep up with a girl that travels so much! likes anime, rock n roll music, frogs, and to dress up. Besides, I would need a traveler too, and that's already hard! oh well..."
I look at my last bits of dessert and smile again, just to say:
" MY GOD! I need more delicious chocolate before I keep on with my work! "
I laugh all the way mumbling a song I just invented for the love I have for chocolate. And I forget all about what I said before.
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