Saturday, June 10, 2006

I'm so stupid....

Lo que diré a continuación es un sentimiento que prefiero desahogar aqui & escrito...ya que sé que casi nadie entra a este blog de conocidos.....

I'm happy, I feel I have friends
I see a good friend
but it looks like
I´m a stranger...

I feel stupid....
that friend doesn´t even
notice I cry
doesnt notice his friend

I thought I had a friend..
but I guess I don't.
I thought he noticed..
but now I don't..

I wish to die
but I think a while...
Is that the only way
that he will notice?

he or she...
it doesn't matter....
I supposed I had a friend...
& the person I never talked to came .

That person looked worried..
that person did notice...
then ONE "friend " noticed..
but that was all...

I'm so stupid..
I thought they were my friends...
I should have listened..
but I just ignored..

now I have it..
something hit me...
now I know
I have no friends at all.....

1 comment:

DarkBass said...

Descuida... no tienes por que estar asi, siempre tendras amigos que te apollen y derramen sangre por ti, que extiendan un mano para sacarte de tu tristesa, del olle que dices que has caido...

por siertot, tu blog es muy visitado o.o!! (mas ke el mio, XO) bueno