Yes I know, I am no queen;that is why I called myself queen of nothing, because I am nothing.
Why do they say I am beautiful if I am really not?
Why do they dare say lies like that?
Why do they say "I shall dream about your face"?
Do they know that they are playing with my feelings?...I guess not, but don't you notice my fear to love?... I fear the most beautiful "feeling" just because I am scared to get more hurt.
Can you not notice that behind all those fake smiles...behing all this faked laughter lays my true sadness...locked up deep inside?
Some one once said.."you do not show us your feelings, you do not let them out...", so I guess they may have been thinking this to-*we want to know your life, why are you so depressed then happy?... we want to help when needed*-
One dear friend said that to me & I still have those words carved in my brain, just to tell my dear friend.-" I try, but I cannot.I do not know why, I sometimes overpass my feelings then to calm down I shove them back inside. I do not mean to be so anoying, there my feelings popping all at once... hope you understand, because my world is truly complicated..."-

La belleza es tan subjetiva como el color del agua; Varía en diferentes contrastes y bajo distintos cielos. Se llega a un momento en que no existen horizontes que delimiten patrones de la belleza. Cada océano en cada ojo, cada ojo para cada océano. Eres muy bella (No lo digo para que lo creas, lo digo porque yo lo creo).
Un soliloquio vibra dentro de cada uno de nuestros Edenes, encapsulado en una semilla; Enterrada en el más nítido de nuestros temores, donde pocos son dignos de oler la fragancia de su fruto.
...Y bajo una coraza mentimos y a veces, vivimos.
Saludos, mi querida amiga.
hola! me gusta mucho tu blog y tus fotos estan bien chdias!!! ponle mas cosas.
At. gRiZz
se me olvido decirte k t kiero mucho eres una gran amiga muuy valiosa!! tkm....
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