After a long day and tired thoughts
I was wishing I could sleep and trance.
But out of the blue, as no one knows,
a friend asked me go to dance.
She struggled much, she struggled deep
until my will accepted thee,
so I went to her place and got ready
for a different night I was not ready.
We got to the dance, I was surprised
to see many people dancing aside.
And for my fortune I could say
I even started to like my day.
I met a boy, with gorgeous eyes
and he teached me how to move my feet.
The music played and I with ease
could dance fairly good indeed.
I danced as if I danced for hours
even felt I flew into the air..
well of course I smelled like flowers
and the scent spread from my hair..
Danced with many, danced for long
I even felt to sing a song.
I could not take away from my mind
that single boy that made me fly..
I met him there, we got along
he even stayed after all those songs.
We went back together
we sat together.
Since that day I have had a crush
for that boy who made me blush.