Cannibal Roses
"Welcome to a world of a strange girl, where anything is possible, where images reflect feelings, where the heart loves and the soul laughs."
Sunday, April 14, 2013
so here's the link:
I promise I will respond anything you want.
Take care! and have lots of fun!
Saturday, April 06, 2013
Necomimi ears
Friday, October 12, 2012
Long times..
I am almost 6 months in a relationship with my dear prince. New and maybe frighting things are coming our way but we will totally conquer!
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Friday, February 17, 2012
Thoughts of Cosplay
I may not be the most beautiful women in my entire house, nor the best built one....but hey! I can at least look good with a wig.
problems with building/making a good cosplay.... MONEY. yes, that monetary wall that prevents somethings to occur.. but oh well, improvisation is my forte. My house has so many things to offer, and I have friends that I know that may help me locate things.
My first mission is to get my wigs.. I'm quite sure the blonde one is arriving sooner that expected, its in san francisco apparently or just got out of there yesterday. The white silver one is yet to know.
Second thing is to grab the wig, run to my room.. put on my nice looking pants, the button shirt, the vest and totally rock the look for the day. Yes, I AM EXCITED.
Third... wait for the silver wig.. and see what should I wear with it
*stares at the free clothes pile, decides to dive in later*
AAAAAND I think that's about it... FYI that picture is found in this article:
I would love to dress up like that someday.. it would be so fun.
For today the only thing to do is give my attention to Creed.... I've been so off recently, he deserves to tolerate me just for fun and giggles. ^_^ :P
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Creativity and Finally Freedom
Anyway that aside, I actually feel free today.. sleeping alone with music last night helped me very much.
I recently had a huge terrifying mind confusion, and of course it had to do with boys. BUT! now everything is at ease... I have a dear friend for whom I hope things stay that way, I could even consider him my best friend at the moment. On the other hand I have a very sympathetic boy that's been trying to make me smile every second with bizarre stories and silliness.
I have committed stupid things these past days, yet I do not regret doing so. But now I have to put myself together, I have finally decided and I am keeping my dear freakishly silly man: he who inspires me to talk more about my world and who makes me curious of his traveling adventures that I hope I can be part of someday, or even go to those places by myself.
I have now nothing to hide... I kissed, I talked way too much for the moment and I twirled around like a spirit in a magical realm where an oracle would be taunting the gods..
I may not actually be the immortal being that has 1722 years old... but I am the girl that wants to keep things in peace, cause no harm.. and have no misunderstandings and confusions for quite a while longer..
Thank you to both men for your interest in someone as confused and scared as me. Even if not read by any of you, my intentions are true.
I write because I just can't try and say it again with the best words.. hope this can be understood if not just knock at 213 and I can be as rough as I can.
"the kiss in the morning....yes, that kiss before you departed... was the kiss that made my head clear."
I hope I actually can spread my wings and smile in my next dream...
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
To her...
First of all..I would like to indicate that what is written is a translation of something I wrote so long ago.
Likes to get her feet and hands wet as the rain slowly falls, yet she does not like to be completely wet without a sweatshirt
She prefers to cry when there's no light
Likes to watch old films that some people forget..
She likes being curious...
likes to wet her lips with the drops of water that remain at the tip of her fingers.
likes to watch people as she walks in the street...
Hates that someone is attracted to another person and such person never tells them their feelings, but she is afraid of love.
Hates being used by convenience.
Admires writers... even if she is horrible with her English grammar
Admires mysteries and horror
Likes to see her hair go crazy, and is curious to see how it looks long.
She loves imagining she is wearing a dress and that she has nice legs..even though she mostly can't wear dresses
loves vintage dresses, gothic dresses, elegant dresses.
likes to believe that someone thinks of her, even if it's not true.
loves to walk at night...something in her creates limitless imagination and makes her want to dance.
hates being looked at as she was an insect.
Loves to have her backpack beside her.
and she would love that someone would secretly get close to her and kiss her cheek for an unknown reason......
Saturday, January 07, 2012
*face palm/ head desk* mroww

Have you ever been scared....I mean terrified of opening your heart to someone other than friends.. like...I mean.. REALLY open your heart to another person that can be more than a friend?
well... I must say. I am terrified.. yes TERRIFIED!
AAAAAnd the world seems to send me all those people to tell me that I should also dedicate my life to other than family and friends, meaning to actually start forming my own family and all that shinaningans. They actually don't tell me this literally (only one uncle did) but it's in between all the lines and weird (yet funny) signals.
Ok Ok.. OK! I said it. well, yeah.. and there's something in that statement that bothers me even more.. I am a person... that well.. hasn't been in a city more than 7 years since I was 10 or 11?...and my family lives in another I travel a lot. I think you got the message...I REALLY DON'T THINK I WILL EVER SETTLE! and yeah... that's what has been haunting me lately..
and if I do find a guy.. he better not be a complete pain or an idiot. just saying...I've had enough of those.
I know, I know.. "dude, wth with this girl?, she wants attention..blah blah blah" ...what ever, like I care LOL. I just had to ask for any advice... and didn't know who to ask exactly. so.. yeah. I made a note...
Monday, December 12, 2011
New discoveries.
Well I just found out I am apparently considered a plus size model... and that's interesting considering I'm a size 5 - 7.
It's just sad that that's plus size.. cause I may be considered 'normal' or even thinner than normal.. and actual plus size women feel bad to see that my size or a size more are what to be expected for them (I know, my mom is one of those women that is more than a size 9)
AND I just found out that maybe the whole modelling thing will change soon. which is nice in my opinion.
noooow something different.. I also found out that tattooed women are also models...and pretty damn sexy :P (well I actually didn't find out I just wanted to remark it).
GODDAMMIT!! I wanna be a tattooed bikini model now! >_< if only...
Monday, December 05, 2011
DA tag :P
Hi, well it's been a while... I've been working hard on my thesis and I finally think I finished ^_^
so.. anyway, I got tagged by a friend on DA. and I have to answer these questions:
1) What's your favorite pony? ----> pony?? um I don't remember the my little ponies' name, it's been a while since I actually saw or played with one (15 years I bet)
2) Everyday you're.... hungry!
3) Vampire or werewolf? depends on the sexiness?? hehe ok ok.. vampire, since they live long and are not hairy, and NO the twilight ones aren't vampires, they're fairies!
4) Ninja or Pirate? darn.. um a ninja pirate!
5) Zombie or Alien? Zombie
6) Wasn't that an efficient way to waste 3 questions? Yes, yes it was xD
7) Favorite subject in school. hmm I have no school anymore, until further notice, but in all my career, I would say herpetology or entomology
8) Favorite media of art hmm.. photography
9) What do you think of Skyrim? I don't know what that is...
10) Do you play League of Legends? yes, I play LoL... :P
by ~pikagirl65neo
Monday, October 31, 2011
Ready for action
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Weird engagement thoughts.

Sometimes I think to myself..
"I think it would be much better if I were married...."
then, I stare at my fingers, I look at my rings, I look all around..
and I get up and go get some chocolate or anything that has chocolate in or on it.
I start eating it, I look at my dessert...then I say:
"But I don't even have a boyfriend!" and start laughing all the way back to the table where I was sitting before.
I look again my dessert and then look at the laptop monitor right in front of me.
Then out of nowhere I see a post of Portal engagement rings...I obviously think they are awesome!
I sit there again, look at my fingers and still eating the chocolate delicatessen.
I see my face in a reflection, smile and say:
"meh! I still have many to do, no time for boyfriend and friends at the same time anyway. And who would want to keep up with a girl that travels so much! likes anime, rock n roll music, frogs, and to dress up. Besides, I would need a traveler too, and that's already hard! oh well..."
I look at my last bits of dessert and smile again, just to say:
" MY GOD! I need more delicious chocolate before I keep on with my work! "
I laugh all the way mumbling a song I just invented for the love I have for chocolate. And I forget all about what I said before.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Smile ^_^
I decided to work hard and have days to collect to memories with my friends.
So much thing seems to await this 9th and last semester.
I look forward with a smile, even if sick, with people yelling at me (like the other day that someone yelled a rude NO when I asked if they needed help, still helped anyway hahaha).
Finding new friends, keeping close my old friends and enjoying every second of my life.
I miss that other city because of who lives there...those people that made me feel at home.
I will see them someday, sooner or later. But now, I must smile and enjoy what I have her
so.... who wants to go out and play?

Sunday, September 04, 2011
Thinking about...
Monday, July 18, 2011
Such sweet sorrow...
And I just wanted to share it, besides I actually feel the same way when I part.

Tell me about something that made you sad.
Uh. Okay. Let me think. [Pause] I was sad when I sent you to the airport in San Antonio. That made me sad… You leaving again made me sad.
Yeah. That made me sad, too. Parting is always sad, but you know what's worse? It always gets better. The first couple times, you're like—she's leaving, I'm so sad I'm going to cry. And then, after a long time, you get used to it. That is sad.
Yeah. I understand.
Mm. Let's sleep now.
She fell into a slumber quickly. I soon heard her gentle and rhythmic breathing next to me. But I stayed awake to ponder her words. Did parting really get easier as time went by?
I don't think so. If else, I feel that it gets harder. More painful each time to see her turn her back on me and walk away. It's just that I've gotten stronger, and I've learned to smile when I wave goodbye. And cry later.
Parting is such sweet sorrow? Shakespeare, you dumbass. Parting is sorrow, and sorrow only.
Thanks for reading.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
New things
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
The Dance..

Monday, October 25, 2010
Love Prevails Death

At the end of my bed, she stands,
Darker then the shadows
Moonlight pulling her innocent face
From the darkness behind
What secrets hide behind her face?
Carved perfection like a mask
For all eternity in a minute passing
Our eyes locked in a stare
Deep within my chest
My heart beats in rhythm
Like a thousand drums
While all the while
Her eyes stare cold
Sparkling like set diamonds
She has me totally under her control
A hunger for lust burns within
Meanwhile her white silken gown
Flutters in the cool night breeze
From whence my entranced eyes
Break from hers; to admire her body
Her breasts, partially visible
Behind the translucent silk of her gown
Her smooth, soft skin the look of satin
White as fresh fallen snow
My mind, a torrent, a sea of emotions
Shallow fear yet I'm strangely calm
She walks toward me
Her beauty becoming
More apparent upon each step
But who is this mysterious stranger
Her hand runs down my face
I try to speak but her finger
Silences my words
"Hush, speak only with your heart"
The words fall from her mouth
In whispered tones
Her touch feels cold as stone
As her arms wind round
My body like entwining ivy
Her fingers run sensuously
Through my long hair
She stares into my eyes again
Looking deep within
To my mind and soul
Her lips pout and glisten
In the moonlight
Oh how I want to kiss them
Passionately as my hands explore
Her body of sheer perfection
She stands up before me
Her gown drops to the floor
Her crimson lips form a smile
My pulse racing ever faster
My blood rushes round my veins
Like ten thousand wild horses
Our bodies embrace like entwined ivy
In each other's loving arms
The pure naked innocence
I would never look back beyond this night
Her moist luscious lips press
Firmly against mine
As I run my hands up
And down her back
Her tongue runs over my cheek
And down my neck
When I feel a sudden
Bolt of piercing pain
My body fills with a gradual weakening
My strength waning as she sucks from my neck
I fall back toward my bed
Barely able to move
I look to her and see blood
Drip from her mouth
Her eyes glow with an iridescent
Electric blue like the full moon
In the black satin night sky
She licks the blood lusciously
From her crimson lips
Her teeth long as canines
From a wolves mouth
Rapidly it becomes apparent
That this angelic vision
That stood before me
In the darkness of my room
Is nothing more
Than an animal of the night
A predatory vampire with
An insatiable hunger for blood
Fear courses through my body
For my very own mortality
Death seems only
A matter of heartbeats away
This creature before me
Still so beautiful in her human form
Yet now adorned with a demon face
She looks at me with a calming smile
Let fall these words I speak to you
Listen and you will learn
"You are now a vampire like myself
A demon creature of this eternal night
You shall live forever"
Her first intention was to kill me
And leave my blood-drained corpse behind
But her love for me prevailed.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

~~ Silence little lamb.. silence little thing..
People always say all those nasty things...
just be quite little monster don't let them catch you..
you won't like them to do so... I'll just watch you...
Silence little beauty, silence like a mime...
Look at them with those eyes that always have to shine...
be so tender, be so sweet.. be a little cupcake thing..
be yourself and give a smile.. so you can pass silently.
You're so're so sweet... thanks for giving me everything...
My life now life's so sweet...
thank you little girl for everything..
Now show your voice...
now show your love...
now look at all and sing a song...
now little little thing..
be yourself..a happy girl that can sing...
Monday, April 12, 2010
I'm Back to this blog..

many many days have pass since I left this blog..
talking about love and kisses..
well looks like there are no kisses for me anymore...
but there is and always will be love in my heart...
How can you believe in someone when there breaking with you..but they don't wanna go away?
thats what happend to me.. but he's the loser I'll always have a smile and a cute one indeed..I won a new adventure n_n
Music is one of many things that are worthy of being in our lives...
who ever hates it is kinda insane!
welcome me back to the blog scent...welcome back everyone who visited this place and still visits and takes a peak...
I'll write tommorrow.. the thing is what?
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Like a doll..

Like a doll I am to you...
You treat me so sweet...
so tender and unique..
I do love you...
and you love me...
I'm your dearest treasure....
so unique...
You grab me so sweet..
you kiss me so deep...
you bite my flesh oh so tender...
you make me tremble..
I am your doll..
your sweet gorgeus and beatiful doll-
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Apocalyptica..... S.O.S (anything but love)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Mi hija...
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Mi primera vez..